Criminal Traffic
Knowledgeable Criminal Traffic Attorney
Traffic violations can result in extremely serious consequences, suspension of your driver's license being the least serious. Protect yourself by calling Adele Drumlevitch, Attorney At Law, LLC. CDL drivers can seek our help with moving and non moving violations.
Multiple traffic charges handled
- Eluding or evading police
- Aggressive driving
- Reckless driving
- Failure to stop
- Speeding
Reliable legal services for CDL drivers
- Fatality caused by negligent CMV operation
- Driving a CMV under the influence
- Leaving the scene of an accident
- Refusal to take an alcohol test
- CDL Driver Issues- Tickets
Why would anyone need a criminal traffic attorney?
The fact that traffic violations are common in Arizona does not mean that they aren't serious. Speeding, for example, might sound like just a minor citation, especially when compared to a violation like driving with a suspended license. However, most people fail to realize that in the state of Arizona, certain levels of speeding can actually be charged as a misdemeanor and not just a traffic ticket. Anywhere in Arizona, if you are exceeding the speed limit by over 20 miles per hour, exceeding 35 miles per hour in a school zone, exceeding 45 miles per hour in a business or residential area, or driving faster than 85 miles per hour outside of reduced speed limit zones, you may be charged with the crime of criminal speeding.
As a full-fledged criminal misdemeanor, criminal speeding is punishable by up to a $500 fine and as many as 30 days in jail. If convicted, you will become the owner of a criminal record, which will be made public to anyone who looks for it, including current and future employers. Once confronted with the realities of the laws around speeding in Sierra Vista and throughout Arizona, it becomes clear why it may be necessary to hire an experienced criminal traffic attorney to fight against these harsh legal penalties and damage to your reputation.
Speeding isn't the only criminal traffic offense serious enough to warrant seeking out a criminal traffic lawyer in Arizona and penalties are especially harsh for those who hold a CDL and drive for a living. It is common across the state for drivers to be charged with misdemeanor and even felony moving violations, including:
- Reckless driving: a class 4 misdemeanor punishable by up to a $750 fine and four months in jail, plus a three-month driver's license suspension.
- Aggressive driving: a class 1 misdemeanor punishable by up to a $2,500 fine, six months in jail, and a three-month driver's license suspension.
- Highway racing: a class 1 misdemeanor punishable by up to a $2,500 fine, six months in jail, and a three-month driver's license suspension.
- DUI: a class 1 misdemeanor punishable by up to a $2,500 fine, six months in jail, probation, a one-year period with an interlock device on your vehicle, and a one-year driver's license suspension.
- Driving with license suspended: a class 1 misdemeanor punishable by up to a $2,500 fine, six months in jail, and extended driver's license suspension.
- Hit and run: a class 3 felony punishable by up to a fine of $750, three years in jail, and a five-year driver's license suspension.
It is a very serious mistake to face a traffic offense in Sierra Vista or the surrounding area without a criminal traffic attorney. Don't let your future reputation suffer over one mistake you made on the road, especially if you happen to drive for a living. Contact Adele Drumlevitch, Attorney At Law, LLC today for a free consultation with Arizona's leading criminal traffic lawyer, Adele Drumlevitch.